Health &
Physical Therapy for Women, Inc
Jennifer Whaley, PT, CLT
5919 Oleander Drive, Ste. 123, Wilmington, NC 28403
(910) 798-2318, www.ptforwomen.com
When Jennifer Whaley PT, CLT tells women what she does for a career,
she gets asked a lot of questions about the treatment options her
clinic offers for issues such as urinary leakage, physical discomfort
during sexual relations, pain associated with a C-section, or range of motion/
swelling after a mastectomy. Whaley has been a Physical Therapist since 1993
and has specialized in women’s health since 1996. As a result of her passion
for physical therapy, and in response to the specific needs of women in the
Wilmington area, she opened Physical Therapy for Women in 2001.
Whaley is dedicated to providing thorough and personalized physical
therapy care to women in our community. She addresses the specific physical
therapy needs of women throughout their life spans, from six year olds
with bed-wetting or constipation, to teenagers with sports injuries, to post
menopausal women with osteoporosis. Whaley is also a Certified Lymphedema
Therapist—providing care to those experiencing arm/leg swelling after a mastectomy
or other surgeries typically related to cancer treatments.
Whaley and her staff are hands-on in their treatment approach and offer
comprehensive education, empowering women to develop healthy lifestyles.
Whaley also educates the community by speaking to area women’s groups and
local health care providers.
WBM april 2011
Your health and your wellness
begin with you. Yet, everyone
needs a little help getting started
or maintaining the balance of
life that comes from fitness and
well being. No matter the motive,
from the inside out to the outside
in, professional health care and
wellness providers are ready and
waiting . . . to hear from you.