with those scraps what to do REBECCA SIEGEL/FLIKR
Swiss Chard Stalks Chop finely and add to stir-fries.
Beet Greens Thinly slice and add raw to a salad or add to soups and stews. They’re also great in green smoothies combined
with zesty citrus fruits like pineapple.
Celery Leaves Chop up in a salad or add to smoothies and soups or any soup/stew stock.
Corn Cobs Simmer with onion and carrot to make a great stock for corn chowder.
Broccoli Stalks Add to broccoli soup for additional nutrients and a punch of bright green color. They can also be grated
and tossed into slaw or sandwich wraps, or added to green juice.
Watermelon Rinds Pickle with orange rinds, cinnamon, vinegar, peppercorns and cloves.
Cauliflower Leaves Slice and sauté in butter or olive oil with diced onion for a delicious side dish, or use in stir-fries.
Citrus Peels Candy or use as zest. Add strips to simmering fruits for a bright, fresh taste.
Onion Tops Sauté and use for stir-fries or toss them raw in salads or sprinkle on top of soups.
Potato Skins Bake to make chips. Scrub them well and spread the peels on an oiled cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil,
sprinkle with salt, and bake at 450 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
Asparagus Ends Use in cream of asparagus soup.
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