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organizations: the DREAMS Center
for Arts Education, her sorority, Delta
Sigma Theta, Sorority Inc., the local
Wilmington chapter of the Links Inc.,
the Williston Alumni Community
Choir, and the Wilmington Symphony.
“I have always been impressed with
Steven Errante and his ability to bring
the community together,” Robinson
says of the Wilmington Symphony’s
conductor. She aspires to do the
same, and uses her faith and love of
music to help her on her mission.
Music has always played a large
role in Robinson’s life. She began
piano lessons at age six and played
at the church in the small town of
Navassa, a rite of passage she often
mentions. Then, in elementary school
under the tutelage of Ms. Harris, the
director of rhythm band and glee
club, Robinson discovered that she
was a powerful singer. She pursued
her passion throughout middle and
high school, and went on to major in
Music Education in college.
“The arts have a way of telling us
we are all human,” Robinson says. “Be
it music, dancing, singing, painting,
drawing, acting — we are all children
of God.”
Being able to utilize her gifts while
teaching in public schools helped
Robinson realize how much of an
inspiration she could be. She once
ran into a former student, Alvin, in
the grocery store. Alvin, she says, had
struggled through school, but due
to his immersion in music, focused
on the positive. When introducing
her, Alvin told his wife that Robinson
saved his life.
“You never know the impact you
have on people,” Robinson says. “How
you live and having high expectations
makes a huge difference in their lives.”
—Amanda Wager