WBM march 2012
rooms,” Erwin says. “It’s how you
experience the site.”
Other outdoor spaces include an
outdoor copper fountain created for
the site by Dumay Gorham. An ornamental
iron gate and an old millstone
were also incorporated into the landscape
that includes both vegetable and
herb gardens, which produce cabbage,
kale and collards, mustard, rosemary
and parsley in winter.
Creating this home of distinction
Homeowners: Frank and Berta Hamilton
Architect: Virginia C. Woodruff, AIA
Building Contractor: The Farlow
Group, Inc.
Landscape Designer: David Erwin, North
State Gardens, Inc.
Interior Designer: Kathy McKenzie,
McKenzie Baker Interiors
Kitchen Appliances: Kitchen Dreams
Electronics and Wiring: Electronics 2 You
Kitchen/Bath/Specialty Hardware:
Atlantic Appliance & Hardware
Plumber: Pipe Masters Plumbing
Plumbing Fixtures: Ferguson
Enterprises, Inc.
Solar Panels and Water Heater: Southern
Energy Management
Electrician: Holliday Electric, Inc.
Electric/Lighting Fixtures: Ferguson
Enterprises, Inc.
Hardwood Supplier: Sapona Green
Building Center, LC
Hardwood Installer: The Floor Surgeon,
Hardwood Supplier: Horizon Forest
Products & Long Flooring
Hardwood Installer: Jackson Floors, Inc.
Tile Supplier: Southeastern Tile
Connection, Inc.
Tile Installer: Sellers Tile Company
Carpet Supplier: Carpet One Floor & Home
Cabinet Manufacturer/Installer: Archer
Read Woodworking
Countertops/Backsplash & Installation:
Sellers Tile Company
Closets: The Farlow Group
Paint: Rodney Williams Painting
HVAC: Batts Heating & Air
Conditioning, Inc.
Pavement/Driveway: J & J Concrete
Fountain: Dumay Gorham
Fireplace Masonry: Brown’s Masonry
Fireplace Surround: Sellers Tile Company