www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Over on the island, the most econom-ical
buy in a Wrightsville single-family
home by price was the two-story frame
house at 29 West Greensboro Street
built in 1949 that sold for $330,000,
which was $198 per sf, with a water
view, but the house was scrapped. New
construction on the lot was in the fram-ing
stage in January 2012.
The most economical by price per sf
was 11 Palmetto Drive with water views
on Parmele Isle. This 1998 two-story
construction sold for just $194 per sf.
Both of these sales were corporate sales.
Top dollar as seen as price per sf was
also on Parmele: the 1965 waterfront
year-round home at No. 5 Bermuda
Drive. The home sold for $1,350,000
which was $1,071 per heated and cooled
sf. The location features a large lot with
314 S. Lumina Ave — The old-est
home on Wrightsville Beach to sell
in 2011, sold for $1,250,000.
a private pier and a 30-foot floating
dock (ground floor living space was not
included in calculations).
Schloss Street again saw high activ-ity
with four sales in 2011; selling were
Nos. 725, 821, 824 and 830. On the
lower end, No. 830 brought $670,000;
No. 725 even less at $600,000 or 313
per sf; No. 824, the newest, built in
1995 sold for $775,000. And built in
1978, No. 821 selling in March for
72.61 of its list price brought the top
price on the street at $835,000, which
was $340 per sf.