and Earth Save, I learned the importance
of alkalizing the body with raw food, juiced
fruits and vegetables, liquid chlorophyll and
sprouts. Today I grow and harvest my own
wheat grass, juicing it with a hand-cranked
device specially made for that task. With
my Champion juicer, I pulverize blends of
organic raw carrots, celery, apple and ginger;
sometimes I make smoothies with a base of
frozen organic bananas.
Six months into the fitness challenge, I
accepted a promotion: editorial director of
WBM (“Just when I thought I was out, they
pulled me back in,” Michael Corleone from
The Godfather) adding another 10 to 15
hours per week to the 45 I was already logging.
The increase in job duties, along with
a few silly knee and ankle injuries, virtually
sidelined my trips to The Crest. Sadly, I
have yet to find those one and a half hour
windows of opportunity to return to that
routine full time.
I lost my first 12 pounds at The Crest,
though it took about five months to achieve.
I’ve lost another 8 pounds since then, which
I can attribute to new eating habits. In the
last two months I have even given up caffeine,
hard to imagine for this confirmed
coffee lover.
I don’t think that any of us who engaged
in this yearlong challenge have completely
arrived at our destinations, and so we continue
to pursue our goals. Personally, I’m
proud of shedding 20 pounds and grateful
for all of the support I have had during the
journey. — Marimar McNaughton
WBM january 2012
Fitness Team
Trainers: Nick Kentrolis, The
Crest and Matt Lewis, The Crest
Food coach: Pat Delair,
Conscious Integration and
Earth Save
Standup Paddleboard Coach:
Jo Pickett, Crystal South Surf
Body Mechanic: Robert Fibich,
Chiropractic Kinesiology Center
Reveal Team
Hair: chemical-free color, cut and
styling by Angie Davis, Indigo
Mineral Makeup: hand-made by
Karen Houghton, Simply Karen
Makeup Artist: Amelia Smith,
Sage Salon
Wardrobe: Style Girl Jess James,
author of the weekly e-zine
Fashion Fix
Wardrobe provided by:
Elizabeth’s Tres Chic at the Cotton
Jewelry: Feather earrings and
white leather cuff by Mary Holtz,
Re-Eco; On U Lolita beaded
bracelet courtesy of Amy Burnett,
Paradise Yoga
Clockwise from top left: Trainer Nick
Kentrolis and Marimar in her 2010 before
photo. Angie Davis cuts, colors and styles
Marimar’s hair. Marimar and Elizabeth’s Tres
Chic owner Joan Elizabeth Smith. Style Girl
Jess James shops with Marimar at the Cotton
1 year ago
Want to see more? Visit www.
to follow our ladies from the
beginning to journey’s end.