A passionate surfer dedicated
to the mastery of his
craft, Bill Curry founded
the Wrightsville Beach
Longboard Association in 1999. He is the
bicycle service manager at Two Wheeler
Dealer and finds time to take a dip in the
briny almost every day.
“It’s really cool being recognized for
something you did in your life,” Curry
says. “I can tell you today, it’s a very special
thing. I feel fortunate that I can get out
there in the ocean or sound and do it every
day. Living in a place like Wrightsville
Beach and having my family in the water,
well, it doesn’t get any better.”
Curry has been competing in surfing
contests since the 1960s, winning the
Men’s Division of the Eastern Surfing
Championships. He was a member of
the U.S. Surfing Team. In fact, he participated
in so many divisions of surfing
WBM august 2011
competitions, he is known as Mr. Iron
Man among his peers.
“For me, the whole surfing contest
thing is not primarily about being the best.
I used the competition as my yard stick,
to measure how much better I was getting
year after year,” Curry says. “I felt like it
would be a shame to surf for 20 years and
not get better. I learned early on that I
needed physical endurance, mental focus
and proper equipment to succeed.”
B i l l C u r r y
2004 East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame Inductee
Allison Breiner Potter
This photo and right: Bill Curry at Columbia Street during
Hurricane Danny swell 2010. Photos by Ed Potter.