Hall of famers
rightsville BeacWElite
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Halls of fame have been created to honor those
that have excelled beyond the norm, anointing
the who’s who of any sport; and surfing is
no exception. In greater Wilmington there are
three hall of fame surfers who have been recognized for their
extraordinary contribution and dedication to the sport of surfing.
One, a former contest judge, is world renowned for shaping
boards that all others covet. Another is the founder of the
Wrightsville Beach Longboard Association, now a tri-athlete.
The third competes on the world stage and his image covers
national surfing magazines. All have earned multiple titles and
all learned their chops on the Wrightsville Beach break. Each
proves there’s a lot more to surfing than simply riding good
by Joseph “Skipper” Funderberg
Will Allison
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Bill Curry
Ben Bourgeois
Photos from top to bottom: Ben Bourgeois, WBM file photo – Reef/Sweetwater Pro-Am Surf Fest, 2010. Bill Curry photo by Kenny Onufrock - Reef/Sweetwater Pro-Am Surf Fest, 2006.
Will Allison photo by Mark Miller – Central America, 2008