Gillian Welch, y’all
WinocaFest lineup features Grammy winner
August 27 at Battleship Park
Winoca, a clever acronym assembled from
the first two letters of Wilmington North
Carolina, was the inspiration for Kevin
Rhodes’ and Lincoln Morris’ local studio
and music production house.
Wilmington’s very own music company, Winoca Records, nurtures
regional artists and produces top-quality music. As a testament to
the musical talent in North Carolina, Winoca Records will be hosting
its first ever eco-friendly music festival on August 27 from noon to
11 p.m. at Battleship Park.
Along the banks of the Cape Fear River, an audience of all ages
will have the opportunity to listen to Grammy-winning headliner
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, along with The Felice Brothers,
Those Darlins, Mandolin Orange, The Old Ceremony, Hammer No
More The Fingers and Wilmington’s very own Onward, Soldiers featuring
Rhodes and Morris.
Rhodes, co-owner of Winoca Records and one of the brilliants
behind the festival, said that the caliber of music at WinocaFest is
something to write home about. Striving to promote only the best,
high-quality talent is one thing that Rhodes says sets this festival
apart from other shows in the coastal city.
“This is a big deal for Wilmington,” Rhodes says. “We want this
festival to showcase how great this city is, all the incredibly talented
people and beautiful historical areas we have. WinocaFest
is about celebrating Wilmington.”
Twenty-five nonprofit organizations will set up tented tables
among the concertgoers sharing stories and the purpose of their
cause. Groups like The Full Belly Project, Surfers Healing, Stop Titan
Action Network and Cape Fear River Watch will display how they
help the community and how others can participate. WinocaFest
attendees are encouraged to visit these tables in between performances
to educate themselves about the various projects.
“These organizations, from the beach to the river, do really important
work in our community,” says Rhodes, whose contagious excitement
about the event and the nonprofits parallels the passion he
has for Winoca Records itself.
Going along with the community-conscious theme, WinocaFest
will strive to minimize plastic consumption by encouraging guests
to bring their own water bottles. Kinetico Home Water System’s Blue
Green Machine, will provide cooled and purified water to all who
bring their own vessel. Leaning away from plastic forks, cups and
plates, Rhodes says that only corn-based products will be used by
venders serving food.
“We want to reduce as much waste as possible,” Rhodes says. “Our
stage will use LED lights and solar generators.” WinocaFest is about
more than a fabulous lineup of fantastic artists. It’s about giving back
to the environment and the community. — Sara Leary
Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on Winoca Record’s website (www.winocarecords.com) for $35 and at the door for $40. All children
under 15 are free of charge and attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, chairs and backpacks to ensure their festival experience is a successful,
earth-friendly one.
WBM august 2011
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings . Photograph by Mark Seliger.