The Process of Pressing

Carly Gee, owner and founder of The Dandelion Fox, spent much of her time in nature when growing up at Wrightsville Beach, preferably surrounded by flowers. Sometimes in her mother’s Harbor Island garden but mostly at the beach, for that is where the wildflowers grow.  “What’s my favorite flower? Oh, that’s such a hard question.…

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Walk this Way

online pharmacy buy phenergan no prescription Taking regular walks is one of the simplest ways to improve overall health. Numerous medical platforms list the virtues of a good stroll — from increased heart, muscle and bone strength to improved sleep and enhanced mood. Walkers have a variety of options in the Cape Fear region to…

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Colorful Art for a Happy Home

Daisy Faith sits in her home studio in Wilmington. A recent piece is propped on a small side table next to a bushel of eucalyptus in a white vase. One can’t help but feel that somehow this art was designed for this exact space. That perhaps this would make a swoon-worthy Instagram post, whether it…

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Wrightsville Sounders

On calm nights, the ambient thrum of the surf drifts beyond Wrightsville strand, reaching the tree-lined mainland at Summer Rest — that timeless waterfront enclave on the banks of the Intracoastal Waterway. The muffled cadence of rolling waves sounds like a late-night lullaby or an early morning mantra. It’s here the Peebles family has dropped…

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Casting for Cobia

Kit Taylor is in the dockside bar at the Bridge Tender, within sight of the Intracoastal, just across from where the old Wrightsville Beach Marina used to be. It’s a bright, warm day in early April, a perfect day to be on the water, or just to talk fishing — cobia fishing.   There is…

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Support for Foster Parents and Kids

May is National Foster Care Month and a good time to learn ways the community can support children in emergency situations and the families that bring stability in a time of turmoil.  There are more than 300 children and youth currently in the custody of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. The DSS…

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River Walk

THE CAPE FEAR RIVER WATCH (CFRW) recently added a one hour guided walking tour of downtown Wilmington to its ecological offerings that include kayaking tours of Eagle Island and Greenfield Lake. “Because not everyone feels comfortable kayaking, I realized we needed to incorporate a tour of the Cape Fear River that was via a leisurely…

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Art at the Harbor Way Gardens

online pharmacy buy arimidex online cheap pharmacy Come to Wrightsville Beach’s Harbor Way Gardens and stop and smell the roses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 8-9. That’s when the Witherspoon and Drift roses will be in full bloom, making it the perfect weekend for an event. Presented by the Harbor Island Garden Club and Wrightsville…

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Palate Pleasing Prickly Pears

Though the name is often applied as a euphemism for a cantankerous person, the real prickly pear can actually be a sweet and endearing addition to the plate. That is, of course, if you are successful at navigating its treacherous, protective exterior. This invasive cactus with purplish, reddish fruits can be found pretty much all…

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Up Front

Who would have ever thought normal could feel so good? Everywhere you turn people are out walking, biking, running and gardening, including me. Well, no running, but it has been wonderful to dig in the dirt again and see blooming flowers. My bike rides have been stellar. I spotted a full wetsuit swimmer in the…

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