The July 2024 Issue

A Layman’s (Unofficial) History of Carolina Beach

A look at some of the important people, dates and events that comprise its history

My Thoughts

Welcome full-fledged summer on the Carolina coast

Shandy Hall Reconstructed

Preserving the past in a rebuilt historic home

A Life of Fulfilling Work

The artwork of Michael Van Hout

More From The Latest Issue

Sustainable Provision: Sea to Table

A meal to save our sea life

Lionfish Primer

The best way to beat the invasive species is to put them on a dinner plate

Five-O-Fives Return to Normandy

Dr. Daniel B. McIlvoy Jr. is among those honored at a D-Day ceremony on June 6, 2024

The Captain Retires

Capt. Terry Bragg, director of the Battleship North Carolina, begins a new chapter

1000 Miles

14 Grueling Days in May

Pine Tree Flag

The story of America’s first flag

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