Print is dead? Think again!
Like vinyl records, print magazines never really went away. The tangible, printed page is still the most enduring way to reach your audience. Unlike a digital ad that is out of mind the second the web page is closed, your printed ad remains visible and viable for as long as the magazine is kept. And, as we’re told repeatedly, each issue of our magazine stays around for months and years. Wrightsville Beach Magazine is the longest-lived, most celebrated and read local publication of its kind. We’ve been telling your stories for 23+ years — that’s 276 issues and counting!
Print done right — the way we do it — is still the best way to get your business’s message across. Your ad, wrapped by our award-winning, original content, will reach a huge pool of our loyal readers: well-educated, prosperous, potential customers and clients from young professionals to retirees. Your advertising dollar goes further. Ads placed in other publications could cost less, but those publications only have a fraction of the distribution and nowhere near the shelf life that the printed Wrightsville Beach Magazine has. And the virtual online edition? It is out there forever, very relevant decades later we are happy to say.
Down to the numbers
Wrightsville Beach Magazine is highly prized by our readers, who look at nearly every page and hold onto each issue for months and years.
We have nearly 74,000 print readers every month and we can prove it. You can trust these numbers, because they are third-party independently audited and verified annually.
These audits and reader’s studies show our typical reader is a well-educated, affluent homeowner living in New Hanover County who reads our magazine from cover to cover, with 57 percent keeping each issue for 1 or more months.
55,560 readers frequently purchase products or services seen in our pages.
Target your audience with our special advertising sections
Wrightsville Beach Magazine is available free at over 200 professional offices, institutional and retail locations all over New Hanover County from the Atlantic Ocean to the Cape Fear River and beyond into Brunswick County and up into Pender County. Our paid subscriptions carry it to metro areas north and west. Unlike other print publications, our distribution racks are kept full the entire month.
Some of our advertisers