People First
Elizabeth Heldreth
NMLS 102792
Mortgage Sales Mgr.
Office: 910.765.0227
Mobile: 910.620.0996
Gateway Mortgage, a division of Gateway
First Bank. NMLS 7233. 110-B S. Front St.,
Wilmington, NC 28401
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com 61
“BY creating the right culture
and taking care of our
people, they will in turn be
passionate about their
jobs and committed to nCino’s continued
growth and scale,” Pierre Naudé, the
company’s CEO, says in a post from the
In 2021, nCino expanded from 1,200
employees to more than 1,500.
“The coastal-themed artwork and exten-sive
use of rich wood accents are just a few
examples of the design approach we have
integrated throughout our buildings. Our
goal has been to create an inviting, casual
space for our employees,” says Candice
Gurganus, operations project manager. “To
do that, we concentrated on balancing the
broad expansions of glass with rich, warm
textures and natural design elements, such
as the main water wall feature and botanical
accent walls on display.”
The top-level conference room is one of
the most popular. A beautiful, living botan-ical
accent wall from Kim Fisher Designs of
Wilmington is a focal point, with the lush
deep greens of the plants contrasting with
the custom-fabricated metal logo, which
conveys the theme that this is a forward-
focused company with a foundation that is
deeply rooted in technology.
It serves as a microcosm of the broader
theme at play in the interior, where nothing
has been left to chance and every possi-ble
detail has been carefully weighed and
considered — even the potential of the
plants to enhance the indoor air environ-ment.
“I love that our company has never
lost sight of its humble beginnings or
roots in the local community,” Gurganus
says. “Nothing is ever taken for granted
here, which is partially why you see
reclaimed wood on the cubicles and the
large, striking live edge conference table,
something that might have been rubbish
until Billy Keck of Raleigh Reclaimed
transformed it into a piece of artwork.
We focus on repurposing existing materials
and hiring local artists and designers
whenever possible.” 910-636-5100 • WendyLaursen.com
Wendy Laursen
Individual, Couples,
and Family Therapy