july 2021
Eclipse Artisan Boutique
More than 200 local and regional artisans:
203 Racine Drive, 910-799-9883, EclipseArtisanBoutique.com
mold blown glass
Tiki Mugs
Four different
designs & four
different colors
$38 each
For Sale By Owner
Dominican/Hatian art, by Lionel, circa late 1980s.
Oil on canvas, expertly framed.
25 inches tall by 21 inches wide.
Can be inspected by appointment only,
Contact: Pat Bradford 910-367-1137 or 910-256-5830
Find the right
buyer for your
masterpiece in
WBM’s Gallery
Walk special
advertising section
after being seen
in the pages of
Wrightsville Beach
Berries in a Glass by Jeri Greenberg, 12 x 16 inches, pastel on paper.
Call 910-256-6569 to advertise
THE Night Walk, an oil on panel piece, features
Oceanic Restaurant in Wrightsville Beach
(a place where he and his wife dine on their
anniversary) as the center focus. A twilight
atmosphere juxtaposes soft lacquered pas-tels,
lending the feel of seagrass blowing in the wind or
of white-tip waves rustling about the shore, barely visible
beneath the sky.
While the subject matter is firm, the foreground is open
to the viewer’s interpretation. Textures and patterns within
the painting were achieved using heavy gesso alongside a
grain roller that was then sanded.
“I start out with the texture, so I have something going
on. When you do a wash, you pick up on that spontaneity
and the richness in texture. I think our brains crave detail
and excitement,” he says. “I like to work with washes and
build up layers on top of the surface to get a really rich
look and especially with dark colors, I start with transpar-ent
paint and build up.”
The Three Sisters, 24 x 12 inches, oil on panel.