home of distinction
Wild Hearts Farm was featured on the July 17, 2021 episode of Martha Gets Down
and Dirty with Martha Stewart. Heather got to ask Stewart about incorporating
new chicks with her current hens, and Stewart admired the custom chicken coop
built by Heather and Dave.
O NE day the producers of Big Fish Entertainment
“They said, ‘We have a show, it’s someone you
know really well,’ but they wouldn’t tell me who
it was,” says Heather.
It was Martha Stewart. The Fishers appeared via video
call on the July 17 episode of Martha Gets Down and
Dirty, a Discovery Plus series on gardening and farming.
“She was really nice and really funny,” Heather says.
In the all-about-chickens episode, Heather asked Stewart
how to integrate new chicks with hens and how to keep
roosters from fighting. You know, hobby farm talk.
“Is that a chicken coop behind you?” Stewart asked.
“That is a beautiful chicken coop.”
“Thank you!” Heather says. “We built it.”
Up next for Wild Hearts farm — a barn, more goats, two
horses and a picket fence.
“And, who knows, maybe a donkey,” Dave says.
The pumpkins, gourds, mums and stalks pictured are supplied
by Carolina Girl Gardens.
54 november 2021