Charcuterie {pronounced shaar-koo-ter-ree} comes from the French biltong
I grew up eating cured meat) and
Meat, salt, air and time are the simple ingredients of an ancient craft based
(dry fatty little dried
on the principles of curing, salting, smoking and preserving.
droewors (Africa.
Many cultures — Spanish, Italian, German, and French — have their
sausages) in South consisted
own versions of charcuterie. Each country has developed its own style and
Saturday lunches unique flavors, from Genoa salami in Italy, Coppa ham in Spain, bratwurst
sliced pieces or
in Germany, and smoked kielbasa in Poland.
of thinly beef
Over time, the art and tradition immigrated to the United States.
cured sticks of salt Various states created their own charcuterie delicacies, from sausages in
ostrich. On rare Pennsylvania to cured and smoked hams in Virginia.
or there was kudu
If you’ve ever eaten antipasto, you already know about charcuterie.
occasions, There
Been to a deli and ordered a Reuben sandwich? How about a smoked
antelope) biltong. (ham sandwich? Both are charcuterie. Even bologna has its roots in
always thin, spicy
were sausages made from
Cured meat, when done well, is one of the greatest representations
dried spices
of food on the planet. A sort of alchemy happens when meat is coated
and pork, fat, salt, in salt and spices and then left to dry on its own.
coriander and clove;
“The history of charcuterie, in the sense of salting, smoking
of stinky, blue,
and cooking to preserve, may date almost to the origins of Homo
chunks of home-made
sapiens,” author Michael Ruhlman writes in his 2005 book,
Mom’s aged cheese; ‘Charcuterie.’ “It has been carried on in many forms through virtu-ally
chicken liver pâté
every culture, and it has been one of the foundations of human
onions; and
survival in that it allowed societies to maintain a food surplus.”
and pickled crusty bread. It was
thick by slices of
accompanied watermelon and
preserved thick fig jam.
have a fancy
We didn’t name for it, but it was
a board and it’s
heaven on way to eat.
still my favorite 74
november 2018