Eclipse Artisan Boutique
For Sale By Owner
“I’m obsessed with colors and
I love putting paint onto the
canvas,” she says. “I love start-ing
with the blank white, using
a great big brush, getting that
first coat on and then coming
back the next day. I love letting
it evolve, layer by layer, day by
day. Even the texture of paint;
I love how you can thin it out
to almost no paint and it floats
on the canvas and then you can
put it on so thick and heavy.”
The love and excitement that
drives Bucci is particularly vis-ible
in her floral paintings, often
featuring calla lilies, poppies,
orchids, and tulips. These pieces
honor the beauty of their sub-ject
matter and celebrate the
potential of the medium. They
feature impossibly bright colors,
high contrast, and creative paint
Bucci’s finished works range
from simple — like “Climbing
Poppies,” which has a tight,
straightforward composition,
bright orange and yellow high-lights,
and an almost water-color-
thin paint application
— to complex and intellectually
challenging, like “Awakening,”
which is among her biggest
This painting features a
pale pink beauty from a close,
aerial perspective. Bucci grants
the central flower, flanked by
two smaller buds, an impos-sible
number of petals, and it
unfurls for the entire length and
breadth of the canvases. Using
subtle changes in color and gray
rather than the harsher black
for shadows, she creates a con-trolled
but mesmerizing piece.
Awakening, 48 x 48 inches, oil
on canvas.
Golden Gallery
Cotton Exchange
311 North Front Street
“Flamingo Dance”
Art pigment prints
by Mary Ellen Golden
available in several sizes.
More than 200 local and
regional artisans:
203 Racine Drive,
Handcrafted ceramic
crystalline glaze
Various sizes,
$37 each
Large, original, framed Dominican/Haitian painting circa 1997.
42 inches by 31 inches.
Can be inspected by appointment only,
at 7232 Wrightsville Avenue, Ste. D, Wilmington, NC
Contact: Pat Bradford 910-367-1137 or 910-256-5830
october 2018