continue to unravel. Unable
to care for his six children
without a mother, his
three sons are sent to
school in Raleigh. His
are placed with fam-ily
members. The
Depression rages.
June 10th 1932
The Depression is
on in all its glory, men
by million in America are
walking the streets, I am out of
work and have not one dime to my name, what will become of us
God only knows.
June 11 -32
Father Mauler returned, said John and Budd fell in OK. Arthur
wanted to come back, poor kid he is only 8 and don’t realize what it
is all about.
Some Lonesome in house I cannot withstand it so quiet I feel
Numb, no ambition something will have to happen or I’ll go Crazy.
Sunday, June 12- 32
Wrote the boys a letter also Lucille and “R” who is moving to Atlanta.
Took dinner with the Brewers, they are very good people as nice to me
as if I was one of the family.
Spent the day at the house, it is awful Lonesome, quiet cannot seem
to concentrate on any given thing I suppose it is my nerves. I am looking
forward to going to go see mom I know I will feel better.
Advertise apartment and carriage for sale to-day, do hope I will rent it.
June 20th, gave away everything I owned with the exception of a few
personal belongings which Mrs. Bewer is keeping for me, Left apartment
June 20th stayed with Bewers until July 2nd where I left Wilmington for
Char. To see my Mother and Sisters and Bro.
At the age of 44, having lost his entire family and what little worldly
goods he acquired, John Barry’s journal ends in 1932 with yet one
more tragic event:
My mother died Dec. 4th 1932 very sudden. We all ate supper, after
she walked into the kitchen and fell 1 minute after she was dead, she was
ready to go any time it was God’s wish to take her. If ever man or woman
was blessed with a Wife and Mother, my Father, Sister, Bro., and myself
was, she was one who bore the crosses placed on her without a complaint,
a true, sweet lovely, Religious Woman Was my Mother. May God have
mercy on her soul.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
John Sr., John Jr., Lucille and Budd on the boardwalk in front of the Carolina Yacht Club, 1920.
John Barry Sr. c. 1946.
He lived the rest of
his days in Charleston,
South Carolina. He
worked for the Naval
Shipyard security. The
family believes he never
returned to Wilmington.
He died in 1963 while
visiting a daughter in
Rock Hill.