November 19th 1918
My daily work at 8:30 a.m. back to dinner at 1 p.m. return to
office at 2:30 p.m., working Foreign Road Claims at 111.70 per
month which I find is very hard to get along on.
The South Second Street household is filled with four adults and
three children joined by three guests:
Frankie, Marguerite, and Sister intends leaving for Norfolk
to-morrow afternoon November 20th 1918.
Budd or William as usual asleep when I arrived from work,
We will have to begin calling Budd by his first name. Budd is
beginning to be a sticker.
In the days leading up to Thanksgiving 1918, Barry reflects on his
family’s good fortune: good health combined with the promise of
a raise.
Everything from appearances is going along fine at the office,
I expect tomorrow to receive the news of a promotion to Suspense
desk Sx 6- paying 121.88
John can bless himself very good, will start to teach him The
Lords prayer to-morrow night.
November 20th 1918
The usual hour to work, returning … twice, off @ 6 p.m.
Mc sent a turkey from the country arriving this date which was
welcome as the flowers in May, is some beaut, for Thanksgiving.
Frankie, Marguerite and Sister left for Norfolk to-day, Dave at
present working @ Newport News.
November 21st 1918
Nothing unusual to enter to-day. John and Budd behaving OK.
Belle feeling good to-day, pain in right-side much better, all hands
enjoying best of health.
November 23rd 1918
Working hour over from 8:30 to 6 p.m.
Edith and Belle to moving pictures leaving Mc and myself to mind
children. Cold weather about setting in, have a tin of coal on hand and
a good turkey for Thanksgiving.
November 24th Sunday
John very full of life, too much so, have to continually keep an eye on
him; will not listen to his mother or father no doubt the little fellow does not
understand. Belle feeling tired no coincidence to make as to her condition.
November 24th Continued
We are looking forward to the expected every-day, I do pray and
hope Belle my dear wife will have no trouble, or, at least a very
easy time. Mc came off road yesterday, had a good week cleaning up
Roy and Lucille.
WBM december 2013