November 27th 1918
Thanksgiving Eve
Nothing of importance to relate to-day, other than turkey was killed,
pies being made for preparing for Thanksgiving.
November 28th 1918
Thanksgiving day, Mc home, had a beautiful dinner, Turkey and
all accessories.
Mr. Hurst and Presley to dinner with us to-day, all had quite
enjoyable day in the house, as it has been raining all day, very
Barry agrees to care for the children for the evening while his wife
Belle and Mc’s wife Edith take in a show.
December 6th 1918
Belle and Edith taking in the show to-night, (I’m so happy) leaving
yours truly to look out for the kids, as usual Edith’s baby wants all
attention, no chance of doing much writing or reading while playing
muse to this young one.
Belle asked Mr. Hurst, her father to-day to loan us money on Liberty
Bond, face value of same, he stated that he was paying on one and could
not afford to buy this one.
Edith’s baby is raising hell I can hardly write owing to the crying,
and she continues to dress, paying no attention to it.
Photographer Roy Dyer, left, with Budd and Roy’s sister
Maurine, took most of the photographs in this album.
Julian Roy Barry was named for him.
John Jr. and Budd.
225.00 which I am glad, he makes more in one week than I do in a
month, such is life.
We lost the Turkey to-day which we prized very much, saving him
for Thanksgiving.
After his first day on his new assignment, Barry first mentions
pressing financial burdens:
November 25th 1918
Started our Suspense work SX6 at 121.88 to-day had a very good
day … like this work very much, getting along fine, there is lots of talk
about making overtime, I hope we will work overtime as I need the
money worse now than ever especially so with this additional expense
coming over me.
Another Turkey arrived to-day from the country Mc sent him down.
Belle has been complaining a little, nothing to what I expect, taking
into consideration how far she is gone.
November 26th 1918
I have been a grouch all day to-day owing mostly from thinking
of the future and my present debts. It about runs me crazy when I
think of it. But! I will have to be contented and let things drag on,
looking to the future, and hoping something will come up to clear the
many debts that I owe.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Belle with Roy, fall 1920.