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Physicians may see incentives
in joining bigger groups,
such as having more power to
negotiate with insurance companies,
Brinson also notes.
Reimbursement cuts are
among factors for medical care
consolidation, Gizdic says.
“Our physicians in our
community are running
a business,” Gizdic says.
“Their revenue or reimbursement
has consistently been
cut year after year, much like
we faced here in the hospital,
yet their expenses have continued
to increase.”
Access to sophisticated
technology and a preference
to focus solely on medicine
and let others deal with the
business side are other factors,
James says.
“It’s very difficult to
develop in small practices
because it’s expensive,”
James says.
Better access to primary
care can help keep people
away from more expensive
trips to emergency rooms,
providers say.
While rates depend on
individual insurance plans
and designs, Sylvestri says
primary care for patients with
insurance can be $25 to $30,
whereas emergency room care
can be $100.
Strong partnerships
photo and map courtesy of New Hanover Regional Medical Center