savor — guide to dining on the azalea coast
by Jordan Smith | photography by Joshua Curry
hole foods—vegetables and fruits—and the
value of eating more of them, coupled with
a change in seasons, might inspire some who
desire a fresh approach to diet and nutrition to
experiment with a true lifestyle change.
Why not try a raw food diet?
A raw food diet — one in which the food is prepared yet not
cooked — excludes all dairy and meat products as well as all massproduced
processed foods. Those who choose the raw food route
Pat Delair
will stock their refrigerators and cupboards with fresh produce, leafy
greens, legumes and sprouts, whole grains, seeds and nuts. These food
choices increase the enzymes and nutrients needed to maintain the
body’s pH balance for optimum health. To capture these important
enzymes which facilitate nutrition and digestion, the food, left raw, is
prepared in the home kitchen with appliances such as a food processor,
a blender, dehydrator and juicer.
When food is heated to 120 degrees or higher, which most often
occurs on the stove or in the oven, it doesn’t matter how whole- WBM
Summer Berry Salad
whips up a colorful,
nutritious lunch
for two using Raw
Food preparation
Recipes on page 73