Veggie Banh Mi A GREAT beach
Fresh baguette or hoagie rolls
Green goddess slaw (see recipe
o n page 61)
Freshly grated carrot
Pickled Mushrooms
Pickled Mushrooms Recipe
1 package mushrooms
1 shallot
1 clove garlic
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
august 2022
NO summer evening
is complete without
a big scoop of peach
ice cream. Why not
treat yourself with the best of the
best: peaches from South Carolina
or Georgia. Freshly squeezed orange
juice, vanilla and a coconut milk base
enhance our tangy peaches with a
subtly tropical flavor profile. Pair this
smooth frozen treat with a nutty waffle
cone for the perfect antidote to the
hot, humid dog days of summer.
Peach Ice Cream
3-4 large peaches (enough for 1 cup
f resh peach puree)
2 Tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
¼ cup agave
¼ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup water
15 oz coconut milk
1 pinch sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp xanthan gum
Slice peaches, removing the pit
and skin. Blend into a puree, about
30 seconds to 1 minute. Measure 1 cup
of peach puree. Use leftover puree in
a salad dressing, or as an ice cream
topping or mocktail ingredient.
Blend all ingredients except xanthan
gum until smooth, 1-2 minutes. Then
add xanthan gum and blend for 10 sec-onds
until combined. Pour mixture into
an airtight container and refrigerate for
at least 4 hours, ideally overnight.
To churn ice cream, pour cold mix-ture
into an ice cream maker that is
already moving to prevent sticking.
Churn for 30-40 minutes at low-medi-um
speed. Gently scoop soft serve into
an airtight container and freeze for at
least 12 hours.
sandwich is
an art, but
at its core
it pairs perfectly with the
usual suspects: salad, fruit
and the humble potato
chip. This veggie banh mi
features a soft baguette
or hoagie roll slathered
with lemony hummus and
topped with tangy pickled
mushrooms, crunchy slaw
and grated carrots. Slice
it into 4-inch pieces and
watch it disappear — or
save it for a late-night
First prepare pickled mushrooms. In a small saucepan, warm
apple cider vinegar, water, salt and sugar. Slice mushrooms,
shallot and garlic, and place into medium jar with a lid (or a few
small jars). Once liquid is warm and salt and sugar dissolve, pour
over mushrooms. Place the lid on immediately and marinate on
the counter for 2-3 hours, then refrigerate for at least 24 hours
for best flavor.
To prepare the banh mi, spread hummus on the bread, then
add pickled mushrooms, grated carrot and green goddess slaw.
Slice and enjoy, or wrap and refrigerate for later.