“IT’S something I’ve always gone back to over the
Virginia Wright-Frierson paints water lilies in her studio.
years,” she says.
Wright-Frierson studied still life in college at UNC-Greensboro,
which is the painting of commonplace,
inanimate objects. She furthered the technique while
at The Students Art League of New York City and in Cortona,
“I love working with the different shapes and colors. It’s
something that’s just always there,” she says as she flips to a
watercolor painting in her studio of an English breakfast she
painted in 1991.
French Bowl of Lemons, an oil on canvas, will be on dis-play
at the new location of Art in Bloom Gallery opening at
Mayfaire Town Center in August 2022.
“Virginia Wright-Frierson’s work is so luminous and orig-inal.
I feel like I could get a lemon out of the painting and
use it in my kitchen,” says Art in Bloom owner Amy Grant.
“Each time she creates something new, it provides a lot of
joy to people who see her art. She’s always experimenting
and evolving as an artist.”
Rainier cherries placed in another one of her mother’s
French bowls is called Cherries in a Blue Bowl. Wright-
Frierson’s 6-by-12 foot canvas of an Italian market will
welcome guests to the Mayfaire opening of Art in Bloom.
In addition to oil and watercolor paintings and literature
and illustration, Wright-Frierson is well known for being a
large-scale public installation artist with such notable proj-ects
as the Bottle Chapel at Airlie Gardens, a tribute to folk
artist Minnie Evans made almost entirely of recycled glass
bottles, and murals for the downtown Wilmington library
and Columbine High School. She was also commissioned
to do a composite of scenes for the Savannah College of
Art and Design commemorating September 11th.
Eclipse Artisan Boutique
More than 200 local and regional artisans:
203 Racine Drive 910-799-9883, EclipseArtisanBoutique.com
Live Edge Spalted
Maple and
Walnut Table
47 inches long by
24 inches wide by
18 inches high
For Sale By Owner
Dominican/Haitian art, by Lionel, circa late 1980s.
Acrylic on canvas, expertly framed.
25 inches tall by 21 inches wide.
Can be inspected by appointment only,
Contact: Pat Bradford 910-367-1137 or 910-256-5830
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for your masterpiece in
WBM’s Gallery Walk
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after being seen
in the pages of
Wrightsville Beach
Brings Joy to My Heart by Janice Castiglione
15 x 15 inches, watercolor on Arches water-color
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