July Parade this year. We’ve
got the details in this issue
for all to consider.
To go with your grilled
hot dogs and hamburgers,
boat rides, trips to the
beach and ice-cold watermelon, you can purchase
patriotic cupcakes from Apple Annie’s and help support
the Battleship North Carolina. In this month’s Savor
you’ll learn about the same bakery’s incredibly gifted cake
decorator, Hans Westermark.
Another master of his craft, new friend Giorgios Bakatsias, has turned a dark and shuttered Lumina Station
restaurant space into a living, breathing thing of beauty. Doing the interior design himself, Bakatsias, a noted Triangle-
area restaurant owner and designer, has redone this location as the 15th for his restaurant group. His use of light, hues
of color and textures has created a very inviting and comfortable space for diners to enjoy his superb food.
Agriculture is the top industry in North Carolina, and increasing ag stories has been on my radar. When working
up the annual year-end real estate round up in late December 2021, we heard of the significant sale of an equestrian
property in Sampson County that had been advertised in our pages. The 1,200-acre property was unique. As I made
an appointment to hear from the new owners about their Wagyu beef farm, I couldn’t foresee they would turn out to
be a dynamic young couple with roots in this community. Now my Monday stop at the Wrightsville Beach Farmers
Market includes Jaclyn and Reid Smith’s Wilders booth to resupply myself with the best beef I have ever tasted.
Personally, eating Wagyu has made Keto easier.
For those who enjoy weekend drives in the country, we introduce barn quilt tours — not tours to see handmade
quilts, but painted quilt pattern art on barns and other buildings.
As we put this issue to bed, an era has ended for me and many in the community as we celebrate the life of my
next-door neighbor, Kevin Walker. For 24 years we have shared a roof, a driveway and dock, enjoying beach life
on separate sides of a townhouse duplex. Kevin will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
Life is short, be a blessing.
Senior Editor/Publisher
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com 15
ONE of the fun
quirks of summer
holidays is that
when you put
your extra flags and bunting
out for Memorial Day, you
can keep them out for Flag
Day (June 14) and then keep
’em going right into July
for our nation’s birthday
I don’t know about you,
but I am giving thought to
taking the ferry to South-port’s
small town Fourth of
Pat’s Hair by Frank Potter, styled by Mason Chandler, makeup by Regan Daughtry. All from Bangz Hair Salon.
up front
My patriotic meter is trending high.
Pat Bradford aboard Eleanor, Simon Robson’s classic wooden
Hinckley (Cape Fear Hinckley Club) in B anks Channel on
Flag Day 2022.