C o a s ta l C o n t e m p o r a r y Forest Hills R E N OVAT ION
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THERE’S only so long
one can live with a
dark, dated kitchen.
Elizabeth Sheats and
her husband, Livingston, did it
for about five years.
“The whole time I was
thinking, ‘I hate this kitchen,’”
laughs Elizabeth, artist,
designer and mother of three.
“I didn’t want to just paint the
cabinets. I wanted to rip out the
entire kitchen.”
In 2019 the Sheats family
moved out of their 1950s ranch-style
home in Forest Hills as
their kitchen underwent a head-to-
toe transformation.
“It felt good to completely
start from scratch,” says Sheats.
The original dark pine cabi-nets
were replaced with crisp,
white hand-crafted cabinetry.
A kitchen island was added and
stained charcoal gray. Floating
shelves, a hidden microwave
and 15-inch-deep appliance
garages create a clean look.
Walls painted in Soft Chamois
by Benjamin Moore, crisp,
white cabinets by Prestige,
floating shelves, and pops of
color come together in this
coastal contemporary reno-vation.
Wallpaper discovered
on a blog post complements
patterned window treatments.
Wallpaper: Synchronized Floral
by RoomMates. Kitchen design
by Elizabeth Sheats.