Eclipse Artisan Boutique
For Sale By Owner
Allison-Please look at paint-ings
on cloud and let us
know which ones we can
use in the bottom of this ad.
See “gallery walk’ folder on
cloud in 2022 folder. Thanks!
Dominican/Haitian art, by Lionel, circa late 1980s.
Acrylic on canvas, expertly framed.
25 inches tall by 21 inches wide.
Can be inspected by appointment only,
Contact: Pat Bradford 910-367-1137 or 910-256-5830
Find the right buyer
for your masterpiece in
WBM’s Gallery Walk
special advertising section
Oyster Cans by Joe Seme, painting 13.5 x 34 inches, acrylic on panel and prints.
Call 910-256-6569 to advertise
Under Thinning Fog, 24 x 30 inches, acrylic on canvas.
Gentle Fog, 24 x 36 inches, acrylic on canvas.
I Heard It in the Wind, 30 x 40 inches, acrylic on canvas.
after being seen
in the pages of
Wrightsville Beach
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com 43
More than 200 local and regional artisans:
203 Racine Drive 910-799-9883, EclipseArtisanBoutique.com
Handcrafted ash
post and rung stool
with woven hickory bark seat
and black milk paint
18.25 inches high, 20 inches long,
15.5 inches wide