22 Amazing Years A NOSTALGIC LOOK AT MORE THAN 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
14 january 2022
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www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com | WBM Supplement
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Our first issue featured Dennis
Gillings’ Wrightsville residence,
the Cotton Blossom on East Oxford
Street, beginning our run of Home
of Distinction features. We estab-lished
ourselves as leaders in local
journalism with history features,
stories of life on the coast, plus nota-ble
people. This included a social
section with photos of locals out at
charity functions. Our first celebrity
interview was in July 2001 with a
fourth-grade student at Wrightsville
Elementary affectionately called just
Georgie, whose paintings were inter-nationally
let’s talk discussion series
Seated for lunch, as they were, at a beautifully set
table, in a gorgeous Airlie Gardens’ glade, on a
particularly perfect autumn afternoon, it was easy
to imagine that our sky was ever blue, our water
clear and clean and that sound environmental stewardship
was an ongoing, primary concern of the powers-that-be.
Fortunately, we had invited a panel of local, renowned envi-ronmental
experts — conservationists, activists, advocates,
educators, administrators, planners, researchers and writers
Happy birtHday nortH carolina Holiday Flotilla *
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Environmental Voices
— to set the record straight. From saltwater intrusion in the
Cape Fear river, to rampant construction in our flood plains,
to beach renourishment, to green building, to air quality, to
community activism, to legislative stonewalling, to planning,
zoning and Titan Cement, no stone was left unturned, no
topic left uncovered, no punches pulled. it was as thorough
and thoughtful a conversation on as important a topic as one
could hope for on such a pretty day.
Produced by Pat bradford
ediTed by richard Leder
PhoTograPhy by allison
breiner & Joshua curry
WBM january 009
& Teresa Kramer
In the beginning, the magazine was printed on newsprint. We upgraded to
a glossy cover in year three, continuing the newsprint interiors. In 2002, we
added the weekly Lumina News to our portfolio. In 2005, we began a three-year
run of publishing community phonebooks, which ended with the crush-ing
recession. From the beginning, we loved doing stories about handcrafted
things including boats, and the Simmons boat-building story is one of my
favorites. I had the pleasure of meeting him long ago and seeing his facility,
and it’s a memory I treasure.
Joshua Curry joined us in 2005, adding another dimension with his
photography including a spectacular cover shot in our studio with tons
of sand hauled in.
2009 sizzled starting in January with Environmental Voices, one of 15
installments in our Let’s Talk discussion series. The roundtable discussion
took place while dining on a handcrafted Cape Fear Riverwood table in
the glade at Airlie Gardens on an autumn afternoon. It was spectacular to
be in that environment to talk about the environment with the experts.
The 6-foot round table, hand-crafted from Cape Fear riverwood by Curtis Martin, available at
selecTABles, was dramatically decorated by Jennifer rose-sandy of salt Harbor Designs. Party
suppliers & rentals provided the dance floor that was the platform upon which the luncheon was
staged, as well as the silverware, stemware and outdoor kitchen. The slatback dining chairs are from
Blue Hand Home, and the fine Mashad Medallion floral rug is courtesy of Gallery of oriental rugs.
WBM www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com
In 2012 we were
granted a hard-won
15-minute interview
with UNC basketball
coach Roy Williams.
Not being a basketball
fan, I crammed for
72 hours reading every-thing
written about him.
Our 15 minutes turned
into an hour conversa-tion
sitting in his yard
on South Lumina. It was
Summer 2008 | Destination Wrightsville