Spring Sale of Carpet & Rugs
C E L E B R A T I N G 3 3 Y E A R S I N W I L M I N G T O N !
W E B R I N G E X C E P T I O N A L B E A U T Y T O Y O U R H O M E !
may 2021 12
Why Visit Us Before Buying
Carpet & Rugs?
SELECTION: We Have Over 10,000 Modern
& Traditional Rugs in Stock.
CARPET: Largest Selection!
VALUE: Best Value for Your Investment,
Rugs & Carpet for Every Budget!
EXPERTISE: Only Certified Expert in the Area.
AWARDS: Winner Of #1 Rug Retailers in America
& Best Carpet & Rug Retailers in Wilmington!
AFTER SALE SERVICE: State of the Art
Hand-Washing & Repair of Area Rugs.
SPECIAL RUGS & CARPET: Exclusive Stark
Studio, Nourison, & Tibetan From Tamarian.
Gallery of Oriental Rugs
and Wall to Wall Carpet
Largest Selections of Carpet & Rugs
4101 Oleander Drive | 910-392-2605
Mon-Sat 9-6 | Sun by appointment
Come see how
we do things
Breaking the bondages of homelessness and poverty by
responsibly sowing Godly love and material resources. First
Fruit is a one-stop-shop for the poor offering medical care,
psychiatric counseling, meals, clothes, showers, boxes of food,
transitional housing for 12 single women, and jobs.
Rick and Lee Anna Stoker, 2750 Vance St., Wilmington, NC 28412
OFFICE HOURS: M-F 9 am–2 pm • 910-794-9656