Above: Shoppers peruse the pro-duce,
baked goods, crafts and
more offered by vendors at the
Wrightsville Beach Farmers Market
on June 29. Left: Farmage sells heir-loom
tomatoes at their booth the
same day.
Farmers Market is held on Saturdays,
as is the Onslow County Farmers
Market in Jacksonville. The Riverwalk
Farmers Market in Belville is open
Friday through Sunday year-round.
As in all public settings currently,
shoppers at every farmers market
are encouraged to wear a cloth face
covering and allow six feet of physi-cal
distance between individuals or
family groups. Exact guidelines vary
slightly and may change as North
Carolina enters subsequent stages of
reopening. It is a good idea to check
an individual market’s website or
social media accounts for the latest
information and to look for posted
rules on site.
august 2020
S IN ALL PUBLIC SETTINGS CURRENTLY, shoppers at every farmers
market are encouraged to wear a cloth face covering and allow six feet of
physical distance between individuals or family groups. A