We are thrilled to bring you a photo-rich issue this month,
with stories and images from sports, art and food,
as well as wildlife, nature and, of course, people.
Pat Bradford photographed for the March issue two years ago on the beach strand enjoying
a fat bike in advance of the annual fat bike race.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
TURN the pages
for the winners
of our photo
contest, includ-ing
the adorable juvenile
green heron on our cover.
Thank you, Timothy D.
Smith for such a captivating
shot. This little guy was the
grand prize winner in our
second annual amateur and
professional photography
competition. For us it is a
way to shake off winter’s
doldrums and celebrate the
coming spring season.
This winter has been
a challenging one for me
personally as I am on the
mend from a late January
slip-and-slide that caused
a spiral humerus (upper
arm) fracture. Very fortu-nately,
not my dominant
arm. I have the most bril-liant
doctor and ortho crew. And as I heal, I have been overwhelmed beyond words by the incredible kindness and delicious
home-cooked meals from so many. At the same time, I am blessed with an incredibly talented creative team who have seam-lessly
covered for me without missing a beat.
In this issue you’ll also find the splendid Tale of Two Studios — artist’s studios that is. Chip Hemingway and Clinton L.
Meyer’s workspaces couldn’t be more different, but yet alike.
We have back-to-back stories on local athletes: Jonathan Dubel’s encouraging tale of overcoming alcohol and lethargy to
become a U.S. Military Endurance Sports Team cyclist, and inspiring 60-year-old runner Brenda Estlack.
Continuing the sports theme, March Madness fans can find some great and healthy finger food recipes to enjoy while
watching college hoops.
And for those reflecting on the cost of winter electric bills, a thoughtful and informative look at North Carolina solar
energy written just for us by the NC Clean Energy Technology Center.
Enjoy this work of art!
Pat’s hair was styled by Bangz Hair Salon.