www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
WE lead off our
“New Year,
New You”
issue with the
DREAMS story of a blank wall
conversion that changed a run-down
There are also options for
inner reflection, contemplation
and centering by walking pur-poseful
paths called labyrinths,
5th century B.C. symbols
that relate to wholeness. Local
options abound.
An encouraging read is run-ning
superstar Alecia Williams’
incredible against-all-odds jour-ney
to recovery following her
heartbreaking fall and shattered
femur at the Boston Marathon
in 2016. I’ll never forget her
family and friends’ anguish at
the time.
Building an issue around our
“New Year, New You” theme, we
have DIY recipes for nutritious
energy balls. I have my own
recipe adapting my mother’s,
combining walnuts and raisins.
We have the story of not one
but three historic lighthouses
that once guided mariners from New Hanover County’s southernmost end, along with a fourth that still stands at Price
Creek along the Cape Fear River.
Among your resolutions, consider decluttering your head from the constant barrage of bad news by reading Jen MacLean’s
Five Tips to Decluttering the News in Your Life, written just for you.
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and
silver,” Martin Luther once wrote. Don’t miss our look at the little-known nonprofit, Alliance for Cape Fear Trees, which is
replanting much-needed trees as well as protecting the treasured trees that remain.
Pat’s hair by Frank Potter, Bangz Hair Salon. Hair styled by Rob Asp, Bangz. Makeup styled by Sarah Harris, Bangz.
Join us. We plan to celebrate our 20th year
all through 2020.
“New Us.” Pat Bradford at tekMountain. Our circa 2001 wooden table was in the give-a-
way pile when we realized its significance. This table represents the end of an era for
Wrightsville Beach Magazine. The last 17 months, since Hurricane Florence, have brought
great changes to the way we create for our readers. No longer do we spend long hours
gathered round this wooden table, as we did for close to two decades. Now we video
conference and chat and work remotely with documents in real time. We come together
weekly to collaborate, rather than in daily sessions. We have a fabulous new website in
the works and fresh, new story ideas for the years to come.