WBM january 2018
“If you use
essential oils
on your skin
to wash your
face, you’ll
realize you
don’t need
as many
products, ”
Lefebvre says.
First used by the ancient aborigines
of Australia, tea tree oil is extracted
from tea tree leaves. It has limitless
applications, including in lotions,
creams, and cleansers.
The fascination with essential oils
also seems to involve something less
tangible. To many people, using essen-tial
oils is a mindset and a lesson in
unplugging and listening to your body.
“Oils are great for your skin because
they’re nutrient rich and full of miner-als,
but it’s about a routine where you
associate a little time for yourself and
pleasure,” Lefebvre says.
Research on essential oils by unbi-ased
organizations is still new and lim-ited,
and skeptics say the craze about
them has created a placebo effect.
Skeptic or not, Jones says the best way
to see what essential oils are all about
is to just pick one and start.
“Really try to connect with that
experience, whether you are diffusing,
adding into carrier oils, or picking out
products that you wear and go from
there,” she says. “Our human experi-ence
is individual and how you process
smells around you can be an absolutely
basic, sensual experience if you allow
yourself a moment to realize and
appreciate how things affect your
body and mind.”