hhoommee ooff ddiissttiinnccttiioonn
CRESS AND JESSICA BELL can’t quite remember the number of houses they
have lived in during their 11 years of marriage. Somewhere between six and 10,
Cress says. Jessica says it’s closer to six. Either way, a lot.
Cress is a builder. He began in California, moved to Wilmington to open an
East Coast branch of Raleigh-based JordanBuilt Homes, and then started his
own company, Bell Custom Homes.
When you’re a custom builder, you tend to live in a house you’ve built for a
couple years, then sell and move on. But the Bells intend to stay in their new Landfall home for a while.
“We designed it for the kids to grow up in,” Cress says. “The lot, the family and friends we have in the
neighborhood, it just all adds up that this is going to be the one.”
His parents bought a lot behind the house, and will be neighbors when Cress completes their home.
“We decided that this lot and this house, his parents being close, this is it,” Jessica says. “We want to
make it home.”
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