Keep America Beautiful
Big Sweep
by Matt Corpening
Six-year-old, Michael George of Wilmington, decked out in rain gear, picks up cigarette
butts and other trash from the beach, on September 24, 2011, during the Keep
America Beautiful Big Sweep at Johnnie Mercer’s Pier.
What started as a
small-scale beach
sweep has been
keeping New Hanover
County beautiful since 1987. The 2013
edition of Big Sweep, as it is now known,
will take place Saturday, September 21.
A massive effort producing equally
sizable results, Keep New Hanover County
Beautiful is a subdivision of Keep N.C.
Beautiful, which is a certified affiliate of
Keep America Beautiful. The Big Sweep is
part of the International Coastal Cleanup
that includes approximately 90 countries.
Wrightsville Beach and other county
beaches will be combed over by volunteers
with the prevailing goal of reducing and
eliminating debris and litter that pollute
marine and estuarine areas.
The relatively simple idea of cleaning
up has the potential to affect positive
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change in a multitude of ways. Last year
632 participants picked up more than
5,500 pounds of trash from 41.3 miles of
waterways, 3.5 miles of roads and 61 acres
of parks, indirectly preventing virulence
and pestilence in human populations by
decreasing amounts of disease-carrying
pests and removing the agents that
chemically contaminate groundwater. In
addition to saving human lives, Big Sweep
helps to keep animals from becoming
injured or dying by displacing the objects
and litter that they so often mistake for
food or in which they become entangled.
Education is another aim of the
Big Sweep. It offers books, posters and
brochures to teachers, six-pack ring
recycling trees for schools, and products
and programs for grades K-5. To donate or
sign up and view tips for the day of
the cleanup, visit
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