by Sandra Chambers / Photography by Allison Breiner Potter
Behind the façade of the Jacobi
Warehouse—a nondescript
building on Wilmington’s Water
Street—one man’s dream comes
true as teens build birdhouses,
planters, hand-turned bowls, even ballpoint pens along
with other projects in the woodworking shop and art
Kids Making It, the afterschool and weekend program
that helps keep at-risk youth off the streets and encourages
them to stay in school and graduate by providing
vocational training and mentoring in a family-like atmosphere,
also helps them transition successfully into college
or the workplace.
KMI, which officially began in 1999, morphed from
a part-time experiment to an award-winning nonprofit
organization serving more than 1,500 kids in twelve
years, so far. Founder and executive director Jimmy
Pierce describes the experience of working with these
kids as more than rewarding.
“It’s the answer to a question I asked myself 20-some
years ago when I was making more and more money
as a lawyer, but becoming less happy doing it,” Pierce
explains. “The question: ‘What would you be doing if
you could do anything?’ My answer: ‘woodworking.’”
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Seeding the Vision
Pierce grew up in Swansboro, North Carolina, where
his grandfather was a carpenter and his father built
Jimmy Pierce, founder and executive
director of Kids Making It.