1 Food Journey: It began a
decade ago with “Eating for
Your Blood Type,” followed by
the “South Beach Diet,” and five
years later, supermodel Carol
Alt’s raw food cookbook. Two
years ago, I attended a raw food
dinner prepared by Pat Delair,
of Conscious Integration.
2 Support Group: I was one
of 15 participants in Delair’s
first eight-week food support
group. She asked us to give
up processed foods, dairy
products, wheat, soy, sugar—
including alcohol—television
and Facebook!
3 Food Diary: The daily, mealby
meal food diary was eye
opening: observing trends and
understanding some of the
underlying reasons why fluctuations
4 Green Salon: A diet based
around home-grown food,
sprouts, juices, raw and living
ingredients inspired me to seek
the same from a hair salon.
Sage Salon, a certified green
salon, is within walking distance
from my office. Candace
Healy cut five inches from my
hair and the new length takes
less time to manage, more
time for food and fitness.
5 The Loop: I busted loose from
the gym routine by seeking
some vitamin D. Rediscovering
the Loop and soaking up all
of Wrightsville Beach’s quirky
nuances — quaint cottages,
gorgeous waterways and sultry
marshland — was a welcome
breath of fresh air.
WBM june 2011
Name: Patricia E. Matson
Occupation: Staff Writer, Lumina News
Age: 44
Trainer: Brian Bohrer, Urban Fitness
fab Five: My life has changed in many
ways since I started this fitness challenge six
months ago.
1 Exercise: I’m working out with
Brian Bohrer at Urban Fitness or on
my own nearly every day. In April, I
jogged in the Eat Healthy, Eat Local
5k and bettered my expected finish
2 Diet: I’m eating more vegetables and
fruit and a lot fewer carbohydrates.
3 Weight: I haven’t been here since
the mid-1990s. I feel like I’ve taken
off 15 years!
4 Everyday life: Stairs, sprints and
groceries are easier, and I have more
energy overall.
5 Adventures: I’ve joined the Cape
Fear Contra Dancers and am having
a great time with them. I rode on
a motorcycle, and I’m thinking of
going ziplining sometime soon.
Name: Marimar McNaughton
Occupation: Editorial Director, Wrightsville Beach Magazine and Lumina News
Age: 56
Food Coach: Pat Delair
fab Five: Fitness for me is all about the fuel.
Left: Photography by Allison Breiner Potter. Right: Photography by Anna Mann.
(right) and food
coach Pat Delair.
Patricia Matson crosses
the finish line at the Eat
Healthy, Eat Local 5k.