Faces of Business

Advertise NOW in our special advertising section

BY WBM Staff

FoB Website image

Don’t miss this chance to show them the person behind the business!

Advertise this October in our special advertising section Faces of Business. With a monthly print readership of 73,885, plus over 10,000 via our online virtual edition, Wrightsville Beach Magazine is the ideal vehicle to build instant high-profile awareness for you and your firm or business, in an issue that will grace coffee and side tables for many months or, we’re told, even years to come. The deadline is September 1, 2023!

Included in your ad 

  • Editorial you submit about you and your business 
  • Your personal quote*
  • Your contact information and logo*, and inclusion on our website with a link to your site

*Full and half page profiles only


910-256-5830 • pat.wbmag@gmail.com

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