Welcoming a Season of Thankfulness

BY Pat Bradford

Inspiring Seasonal Ideas for Container Planters

Warm Welcome

Design by Amanda Liss | Julia’s Florist | Home of Mike and Amanda Baker

Ornamental cabbage

Purple salvia/Mexican bush sage

Yellow garden mums

Lime green sedum

Asparagus fern

Small croton

Yellow and purple ornamental peppers

Small orange pansies

Bittersweet vine

Cattail accents

Trendy Topiary

Design by Dillon McLamb | Designs by Dillon

Yellow purple and orange pansies

Creeping Jenny

Red mum

Kimberly queen fern

Loropetalum tree

Pandanus grass

Sheet moss and Spanish moss

Antique Assemblage

Design by Patti Jacaruso | Harbor Island Garden Club | Home of Mike and Patti Jacaruso




Foxtail grass

Carolina jasmine

Fantail willow


Vintage Wooden wheelbarrow

Cool Colors

Design by Amanda Liss | Julia’s Florist | Home of Jeff and Dana Cook

Porch Planters

Purple princess caroline grass

Ornamental cabbage – large green

Ornamental cabbage – small dark purple

Ornamental kale

Creeping jenny

Wandering jew (purple heart plant)

Green and purple heuchera

Two types of sage herbs

Carex sedge grass (in back behind large cabbage)

Purple ajuga

Burgundy snapdragons

Okra pods and lotus pods accents

Lion Planter

Carex sedge (lime green grass)

Pink sedum

Burgundy violas

Burgundy snapdragons

Wandering jew (purple heart plant)

Purple ajuga

Pine cone accents