
We are celebrating the start of our 23rd year

BY Pat Bradford

Pat Bradford looking back over 269 fabulous issues of Wrightsville Beach Magazine. Pat’s hair by Frank Potter, styled by Elizabeth Carroll and makeup by Regan Daughtry all from Bangz Hair Salon. Photo by Allison Potter
Pat Bradford looking back over 269 fabulous issues of Wrightsville Beach Magazine. Pat’s hair by Frank Potter, styled by Elizabeth Carroll and makeup by Regan Daughtry all from Bangz Hair Salon. Photo by Allison Potter

In the next few pages, you’ll see a look back at some of my favorite magazine covers and spreads. The selection was a pretty daunting task considering the 269 magazines to be reviewed! How to pick one cover or one spread as a favorite for the whole year? What a trip down memory lane this was. 

In the early years we had no idea what we were doing, but we saw a real thirst in the community for true journalism about people and our lifestyle here on the fragile edge of Eastern North Carolina. Readers loved the photographs and stories about themselves and their neighbors and the fascinating visitors who flock here to find peace and prosperity. It’s a winning formula that continues today. 

Allison Potter came on board in the summer of 2003, creating a body of outstanding photography that documents our life on the coast. That year, in a story called “The Harley Rider Next Door,” we staged photographs of motorcycles crossing the Wrightsville Beach drawbridge with Allison lying in the back of the station wagon, hatch open — perhaps not the smartest thing we’ve ever done. Allison and I have had some really crazy photo shoots over the years, including the time that I got stuck in quick mud and she had to save my life.

Cissy Russell joined us in 2005 before we worked in the Landing. She creates compelling content for our advertisers, many of whom have been with us for decades. 

Art Director Shawn Best, who joined our team in 2012, points out that when she calls the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for permission to use one of their archival photos, they consistently double-check to make sure their archives include every magazine we have ever created. Other universities do the same. It’s that expressed faith in what we do that has kept us always reaching to a higher standard all these years.

Our core team is rounded out by administration marvel Kimberly Graham, who also joined us in 2012. 

Losing two sisters in a two-month period this fall reinforced my appreciation of the life that we live here. It is such a blessing, one that I hope none of us ever takes for granted. 

As I make my New Year’s resolution to spend more time with the people I love and the things I’m grateful for, the majority of it is centered right here in New Hanover County, North Carolina. 

We truly are a blessed people.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. Happy New Year from all of us to all of you.

Pat Bradford

Senior Editor/Publisher

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