Up Front
This month’s photo is an opportunity to redeem myself.
BY Pat Bradford

Many years ago, we went to master potter Hiroshi Sueyoshi’s studio at Cameron Art Museum’s Pancoe Center for my once-a-month Up Front shoot. Under Hiroshi’s gentle instruction, I threw a pot and Allison Potter threw a pot; mine was pretty sad and hers was beautiful. So, this month at Orange Street Pottery, founded by Hiroshi, I had my chance at redemption. It was a blast, so much fun. Brian Evans is a very capable teacher. Coming back for classes is on my bucket list.
When we have more than one story on topics that are connected, we call them stories that speak to each other. In this issue, my pottery photo speaks to our story on the Hannah Block historic USO building. It is now the Community Arts Center, this speaks to our art story with its instructor’s bios and look at the pottery of each of these Orange Street potters, housed — in the very same historic building.

Pat’s Hair by Frank Potter, styled by Mason Chandler, makeup by Regan Daughtry. All from Bangz Hair Salon.
We have departed from our monthly Home of Distinction feature to give you not one but two Businesses of Distinction. This feature was born from a conversation overheard at my hair salon on the stylish makeover of the 1988 original country club at Landfall. The Dye Club, damaged by Hurricane Florence, closed and languished. Next up, an insider look at North Carolina tech marvel nCino headquarters at Mayfair. Both are excellent examples of interior architecture and design within an existing space.
We also tell the delightful story of a 28- acre man-made garden on the southside of Raleigh. It’s only open to the public eight weekends a year and the window is about to open. For area gardeners, it’s time to organize a little field trip.
Every March we have the privilege of showcasing incredible photographs received from both amateurs and professionals. We are annually blown away by the landscapes, flora and fauna, and the people photos. Thankfully we have the trained eye of Allison Potter for the judging, but it never stops surprising me how varied are our individual tastes. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. (How many toads is it you must kiss to find your prince…?)
We hope you will get together with friends and family and look over our choices for first place and honorable mentions and critique how we’ve done. And then if you disagree, let us know by email or Facebook which you prefer and why. We’d love to know the why.
Happy March — my birthday month — y’all.
—Pat Bradford, Senior Editor/Publisher