Who would have ever thought normal could feel so good?
Everywhere you turn people are out walking, biking, running and gardening, including me. Well, no running, but it has been wonderful to dig in the dirt again and see blooming flowers. My bike rides have been stellar. I spotted a full wetsuit swimmer in the sound mid-April and I am testing the water temperatures each week in anticipation of that first plunge of the year, following winter pool time at the YWCA.
The municipal ball fields are alive with teams, and the beach traffic is again robust in the annual lead up to summer. After the last 15 months, all the sights and sounds this spring feel extra sweet. Maybe it’s just how grateful I am that my shoulder, arm and hand are mending, and I am now entering the countdown to my return to work. But I suspect it’s also the wonder of another glorious spring at the beach, especially following what we’ve emerged from.
This issue is chock full of timely stories as April’s showers bring on May flowers and the allure of being outside grows. It’s time to appreciate art of various kinds. We have two art stories — the bright florals and friendly animals captured by Daisy Faith and the impressive art made from pressed flowers and weeds gathered locally by Carly Gee.
Other articles speak to the great outdoors, with local walks to explore, an educational river walk, and fishing for cobia.
And after a long hiatus, we have the first Social Seen of the year, a prelude to what we hope is many more occasions to come.
The future is bright and full of summer sun and gatherings with friends. Be encouraged. Blessings and happy Mother’s Day to all.
— Pat Bradford, Editor/Publisher