Letter to the Editor

Impressed by flower pressing

BY WBM Staff

 Carly Gee visits a friend’s property to pick cosmos destined for her pressed flower art. Photo by Sophia Armstrong
Carly Gee visits a friend’s property to pick cosmos destined for her pressed flower art. Photo by Sophia Armstrong

I’m never surprised to see well-written, well-designed and beautifully photographed features in WBM, but I have to tell you, Allison’s front page photo and feature photos of Carly Gee’s fascinating work and lovely, warm, personality together with Amanda Lisk’s excellent writing was just absolutely stunning! (“The Process of Pressing,” May 2021 WBM).

Thank you all for the most welcome, most refreshing, and beautifully crafted feature!

­— Robert Rehder, WBM recurring contributing writer, Wilmington, NC

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Letters to the editor may be edited for clarity.

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