the sky & the lines of life
Artist Lisa Creed displays Catch the Wind, a 24 x 48 inch acrylic painting.
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ISA CREED’S artwork can be found displayed at the Ritz Carlton Pavilion in Washington, D.C., or at Duke
University’s Office of the Provost and Hart House — otherwise known as the president’s residence —
and in the backdrop of television shows One Tree Hill and Under the Dome.
Her art has received national awards, been exhibited in galleries up and down the East Coast, and
is currently on view at Horse & Buggy Press in Durham and at New Elements Gallery on Front Street in
downtown Wilmington.
Creed holds a bachelor’s degree in art and a master’s in graphic design, but she credits Saturday morning
classes as a child growing up in Providence, Rhode Island, as being the most impactful and influential training of
her career.
“Every Saturday morning, I would get up and walk down, I don’t know how many blocks, but a lot of blocks to
Gino Conti’s studio,” says Creed.
Conti was a Works Progress Administration artist who died in 1982. Six of his murals painted in the 1930s and
1940s were recently rediscovered at the University of Rhode Island during a renovation.