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WBM september 2020
FOR the granddaugh-ters’
room, a wall-papered
ceiling, a
chandelier that looks
like seaweed, and twin
bed headboards shaped like waves
makes one feel as if they’ve arrived
under the sea.
“I hope they are as excited as their
granddaddy is,” Bill says as he takes
a look.
Shells affixed to the sconces and
penny tile that looks like sand
provide subtle evocations of the
Opposite top: The girls’ bedroom
feels like an under-the-sea
escape. Wallpaper on the ceiling,
wave-shaped headboards and
a seaweed chandelier all add
to the atmosphere. Opposite
bottom: Pastel hues in one of the
guest suites create a soothing
retreat for the Rudisills’ adult chil-dren.
Below: The powder room’s
sea glass vessel sink and wall-mounted
faucet were planned
out pre-construction.
4,000SQFT OF