L-r: Noelle Agnew with Don Bullard Insurance, Barbara Pugh with Coldwell Banker
Sea Coast Advantage and Heath Altman with Alpha Mortgage.
WBM may 2018
letters to the editor
Music Appreciation
On behalf of the Cape Fear Jazz Society, I’d like to thank
you and commend you on the excellence and factual scope
of your article on jazz in the Wilmington area (“All That
Jazz,” April WBM). Simon Gonzalez succeeded on many
levels in portraying the struggles and successes of the lovers
of this musical genre. Jazz participants are pursuing a passion.
Presenting and hearing jazz is our greatest goal. Informing an
interested public is to ensure the sustaining and understanding
of the art form. Wrightsville Beach Magazine has done us an
honest and admirable service. We in the jazz community can
only repay you by producing great, authentic music. Thanks
for the boost! Peace and Harmony.
— PRIMUS ROBINSON, President, Cape Fear Jazz Society
real estate
Buying and selling real estate is easy!
. . . when you have the right team and right
professionals to handle every aspect for you.
Stop by our new office in Autumn Hall and let us show you
what we can do for you. The Barbara Pugh Team, along with
Alpha Mortgage and Don Bullard Insurance are here to help you
navigate the real estate world easily.
From your real estate agent, to your mortgage banker, to
your insurance agent, we can help you get from searching
to signing to SOLD and insured.
Heath Altman
office: 910-256-8999
Mobile: 910-512-1220
Fax: 910-795-4948
Noelle Agnew, Managing Agent
office: 910-332-1080
Fax: 1-888-865-6133
110 Dungannon Boulevard, Suite 100, Wilmington, NC 28405
910-520-2945 • www.barbarapughteam.com
We would love to hear from you!
EMAIL: pub@wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com
MAIL: P.O. Box 1110, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Letters to the editor may be edited for clarity.
Primus Robinson in an unused photo from the story in our
April issue.