WBM november 2011
dwellings, which Thompson filled
with collectibles. In spite of his beautiful
objects, the house itself had an
enviable sense of calm for which the
Nebletts had searched the globe.
“I spent a lot of my life traveling
overseas on business,” Mort says.
Using Thompson’s Bangkok house
as a model, Mort adds, “Kevin did
exactly what we asked him to do.”
Judy explains, “We like to entertain,
so we had to have a dining room, and
Mort has ducks, so we had to have a
duck room, so that’s how it evolved.”
Having owned a gallery for a short
while, Judy, a former art history
major, says she and Mort have collected
art forever. “Everything we have
means a lot to us and our life,” she
says. “We’ve been married for almost
46 years, so we’ve really collected for a
long time.”
The Nebletts also possess an
unbridled reverence for place. From
his early days as a Wilmingtonian
and a Wrightsville Beach boy, and
her childhood spent in Pennsylvania’s
Brandywine River region, the Nebletts
honored the natural setting.