wbm November 2011
38 Castle Hayne: This Other Eden
Hollander and European farmers and their families
were enticed to New Hanover and Pender counties with
brochures that advertised fertile land in Castle Hayne
and Van Eeden. Generations later, the early years live on
in memory. By Jamie Walker
46 Appetite for Art and Artifacts
At Joshua’s Landing on Hewletts Creek, a pair of
intrepid world travelers unpack their bags in a
smashing contemporary home custom designed
for them and their extensive collection of artifacts,
antiquities and fine art. By Marimar McNaughton
59 Ripe for the Shucking
From midden to market, the hard work is not yet over.
Just as harvesting oysters is a labor of love, roasting and
shucking them is too, with a bite-sized morsel of slimy,
salty goodness as the reward. By Cole Dittmer
on the cover
22 By Hand
Hand stitched felt and wool, aromatic ice candles,
scented herbal soaps and glazed clay charms, ‘tis the
season of the craft and no better time to consider a
handmade gift for those on your holiday shopping list.
Relish these one-of-a-kind functional art pieces, or dare
to try to make them yourself. By Karen Fuller
29 Welcome Home Angel
An interior designer inspired by a television show
launched a local outreach mission. Today with teams of
designers and contractors he upfits and uplifts the lives
of local children and their families. This month, John
Kaiser’s Welcome Home Angel turns four years old.
By Jenny Yarborough
34 Nonprofit Social Calendar
Save the date. Secure your seats for the worthwhile
nonprofit events featured now through April 2012.
By Cole Dittmer
On a fall afternoon, local oysterman Randy King beholds a selection of prime
candidates that could soon be thrown into the steam pot at any number of
oyster roasts taking place in a backyard near you. — Joshua Curry
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
6 Up Front
8 Beach Bites
13 Event Calendar
14 Social Seens
65 Signature DIsh
66 Tide Chart
16 Holiday Gift Guide
58 Buying Guide