Beach Bites

BY Staff

 WBM Fitness Challenge
Six months into a year-long quest to transform
their lifestyles our three ladies are sharing five things they are doing differently now.

Name: Pat Bradford
Occupation: Editor/Publisher Wrightsville Beach Magazine and Lumina News
Age: 58
Trainer: LaMaine Williams Lumina Fitness
Fab Five: I had no idea I could feel or look this good again better than I have since about the time this magazine started! LaMaine is not into “dont eat that eat this ” and he pushes no products but he does manage to make me see things differently.

1 Food: I evaluate everything I eat against how much energy it gives me or takes from me. For example early on going an hour with this guy after a decent-sized pasta lunch was excruciating!

2 Control: I am cutting quantity and removing temptation because I battle for self-control when the food is in front of me. My goal is half the quantity. LaMaines prompting has me cutting everything in half and saving half for later.

3 Exercise: I walk every day regardless of the time rain shine cold and wind. Unless something aches to the point I cant I walk daily even if its only 20 minutes. Every now and then I jog.

4 Dinner: I eat mini meals all day long. Instead of eating dinner I will snack on something healthy like baby carrots telling myself if I am really hungry later I can eat again.

5 Adventures: I am doing physical things again. Assisting on a Cub Scout skills wall climb in April I too donned the gear and got halfway up the wall. (And I have photos to prove it.) In August were going to tube the Ichetucknee River in Florida. And I picked up a tennis skirt at Vintage Values…

Name: Marimar McNaughton
Occupation: Editorial Director Wrightsville Beach Magazine and Lumina News
Age: 56
Food Coach: Pat Delair
Fab Five: Fitness for me is all about the fuel.

1 Food Journey: It began a decade ago with “Eating for Your Blood Type ” followed by the “South Beach Diet ” and five years later supermodel Carol Alts raw food cookbook. Two years ago I attended a raw food dinner prepared by Pat Delair of Conscious Integration.

2 Support Group: I was one of 15 participants in Delairs first eight-week food support group. She asked us to give up processed foods dairy products wheat soy sugarincluding alcoholtelevision and Facebook!

3 Food Diary: The daily meal-by-meal food diary was eye opening: observing trends and understanding some of the underlying reasons why fluctuations occur.

4 Green Salon: A diet based around home-grown food sprouts juices raw and living ingredients inspired me to seek the same from a hair salon. Sage Salon a certified green salon is within walking distance from my office. Candace Healy cut five inches from my hair and the new length takes less time to manage more time for food and fitness.

5 The Loop: I busted loose from the gym routine by seeking some vitamin D. Rediscovering the Loop and soaking up all of Wrightsville Beachs quirky nuances quaint cottages gorgeous waterways and sultry marshland was a welcome breath of fresh air.

Name: Patricia E. Matson
Occupation: Staff Writer Lumina News
Age: 44
Trainer: Brian Bohrer Urban Fitness
ab Five: My life has changed in many ways since I started this fitness challenge six months ago.

1 Exercise: Im working out with Brian Bohrer at Urban Fitness or on my own nearly every day. In April I jogged in the Eat Healthy Eat Local 5k and bettered my expected finish time.

2 Diet: Im eating more vegetables and fruit and a lot fewer carbohydrates.

3 Weight: I havent been here since the mid-1990s. I feel like Ive taken off 15 years!

4 Everyday life: Stairs sprints and groceries are easier and I have more energy overall.

5 Adventures: Ive joined the Cape Fear Contra Dancers and am having a great time with them. I rode on a motorcycle and Im thinking of going ziplining sometime soon.

10 beauty tips you can make at home!

My niece Heather Bradford Utter got me started using a homemade sugar and olive oil scrub for the whole body. I use raw sugar for this. Its a great way to pamper oneself using common kitchen ingredients although Heather adds a glamorous touch: several drops of essential oil eucalyptus or tangerine. (She says it is cheaper if you purchase the oil through a wholesale store.)

I use white vinegar for bug bites sunburns and as a hair rinse as well as to clean my shower of soap scum.

And I began to wonder if there were any other home beauty secrets that women would share with us perhaps passed down from mother to daughter.

Photographer Allison Breiner Potter and I canvassed the ladies at the Azalea Garden Party for these beauty tips. Enjoy! Pat Bradford

Sandy Spiers / “My momma used to take egg whites; you mix it up and put it on your face. It tightens your pores but it smells badly. Stir but dont froth the egg whites.”

Heather French Henry 2011 Azalea Queen / “My grandmother did say use egg whites on your face. When I got older I traded that for the clay masks that I did once a week.”

Tracy Pope Conlon & Kelly Vernon / “Our grandmother taught us to use olive oil to moisturize the face. Use as good a brand as you use to cook with. You can use it on the skin all over; even clean your ears with it.”

Dana Reason / “I believe in cucumbers and tea bags on the eyes. Get a tea bag and wet it and lay it on the eyes. It must be caffeinated tea. This relieves inflammation. Lipton ice tea bags caffeinated.”

April McDavid / “When I am between hair color appointments I use peroxide in a spray bottle.”

Jamie Hinnant / “I use olive oil for a hair treatment. Warm the olive oil in a microwave and put it onto dry hair. Leave it on 10-15 minutes. Wash it out. It leaves hair shiny. Mayonnaise also works.”

Michelle Clark / “My mother-in-law told me if your feet are sweaty and smelly soak them in tea bags steeped in water. You have to repeat the process for several days. Dont change the tea bag. Use Lipton tea not herbal.”

Keri Holman / “I use a brown sugar and honey scrub for my feet. I went to Belize and had a brown sugar and honey pedicure there and now I mix it up at home myself.”

Tonya Pellham / “On my hands and feet I use a sugar and olive oil scrub. Just mix it up in a bowl. After you rinse it off wear socks. It holds in the moisture.”


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