Up Front

Blessings come in unlikely packages sometimes.

BY Pat Bradford

Pat Bradford and grandson Ethan in 2017, photographed in WB stand #12
by Allison Potter. Ethan participated in Jeremy Owens’s Ocean Rescue
Junior Lifeguard camp two memory-filled summers, 2017-2018. WB file photo.
Pat Bradford and grandson Ethan in 2017, photographed in WB stand #12 by Allison Potter. Ethan participated in Jeremy Owens’s Ocean Rescue Junior Lifeguard camp two memory-filled summers, 2017-2018. WB file photo.

The hurricane of 2018 turned out to be one of those for us at Wrightsville Beach Magazine.

We as a team launched our hurricane plan, which had each team member working remotely. Due to the lingering storm, we had a sustained power and internet outage in our office suite. When the storm passed and recovery began, we gave up the office location and took to collaborating at tekMountain co-working space, on Sir Tyler Drive.

Fast forward to 2020. For everyone’s safety, tekMountain closed its physical space and shifted to a virtual setting when the pandemic began. Our proven hurricane plan, with a few modifications, became our working emergency plan. And we just kept on going without missing a beat.

Now, while I had nothing to do with the planning of this month’s feature on home offices, I totally get it. I feel that the corporate workspace is forever changed by what we have gone through, and I encourage the home office.

The year 2020 was by far the most challenging of my life. I never dreamed that just a few days in I would be grounded by an injured wing assembly for the remainder of the year. But, I can honestly say while it was in some ways the most painful of times, it was also the best of times for me.  

This issue talks a bit about some things that are missing, like rooting for your favorite sports team. Still there is much to look forward to: trying new recipes, appreciating art, the Wrightsville Beach Elementary School expansion, a jaunt to Charleston, South Carolina, and the great hope a new year brings.

Adversity brings out the best in us. While in my prayer closet with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I learned to laugh in all circumstances and how to “be still.”  

I am exceedingly grateful to all the people who stepped up to help me with things I could not do for myself, from carrying my workload, encouraging me, holding my hand, dressing me, driving me, feeding me, picking up my meds, raking my yard, tending my grass, grocery shopping, bringing me flowers, repairing bicycle tires, repairs to the generator, raising my storm shutters, and all those holding me up in prayer. 

I am humbled by your generosity and I sincerely thank you all. Also on this list are my physical and occupational therapists. All of you are my heroes.

Wishing all of you a blessed and highly favored 2021, full of joy!!!

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